Youth Leadership Program

A program to empower young men and women through teaching the art of Islamic thinking and living.

We offer a comprehensive curriculum that encompasses various aspects of Islamic and universal spirituality and practical life skills. This program is designed to equip the youth with the skills and values they need to become compassionate, empathetic, and visionary leaders.








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Rooted Mentors

Connected and well-rooted mentors who are acquainted with the challenges youth face today and can help them navigate their lives to become compassionate, authentic and whole humans.

True Safe Space

A safe space to ask difficult questions about faith and life. Within this safe space, we encourage the youth to bring their toughest dilemmas as we challenge them to become true seekers. 

Holistic Approach 

A holistic approach to youth development & growth with relationship-building oportunities to various cultures and leaders of the Indigenous community of the Algonquin and much more

Empowering youth to become compassionate and visionary leaders of tomorrow grounded in beautiful Islamic values and principles

Program Highlights

  • Mentorship
  • Workshops
  • Educational Classes
  • Community Engagement
  • Relationship building with Indigenous leaders/community (Algonquin) 
  • Interfaith dialogue opportunities

Program Eligibility and Requirements



Term Date: Nov 18 - Jan 18 



Our commitment is to empower the youth through the art of Islamic thinking and living. Our mission is rooted in the belief that nurturing young minds with Islamic and universal spiritual values will enable them to not only establish a strong identity but also to be compassionate, empathetic, and visionary leaders, ultimately contributing to a better future for all. However, this is not just a choice; it's a pressing need. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, our youth face unprecedented challenges to their sense of identity, values, and purpose. The need for guidance and grounding in Islamic principles has never been greater. We believe that by providing this guidance, we can address this critical need.


This is a multifaceted program that encompasses various aspects of Islamic and universal spirituality and practical life skills. This includes education on:

- Islamic ethics

- History, and traditions 

- Contemporary issues

We actively engage with the indigenous community to foster a deeper understanding and connection to the spirituality of the land.


WHEN: Saturdays 2 - 5 PM.

Our programs run continuously once a week to ensure that the youth have ongoing opportunities for growth and development.

We host structured curriculum-based classes on leadership development. We focus on exploring Islamic spirituality through interactive sessions, discussions, and practical exercises that help the youth connect with the spiritual aspects of their faith and the spiritual heritage of the land they inhabit.


WHEN: Specific workshop dates will be announced after registration.

We will be hosting various guest speakers from different backgrounds and faiths to offer new perspectives and spark critical thinking among our youth. In addition, we will be holding girls-only and boys-only workshops where our students get to talk about gender-specific questions with an expert psychotherapist all within a safe space. 


WHEN:  Community engagement projects will vary in time commitment depending on availabilities and youth's commitments. These hours are eligible for High school volunteer hours and will be flexible in scheduling. 

Community engagement is essential for creating a sense of unity, empowering residents, and improving the overall quality of life in a community. It results in more effective and equitable decision-making, leading to stronger and more resilient communities. In partnership with the Rhoda Foundation, a national Canadian charity, we will connect the youth to opportunities to see the needs of the neighboring communities and immediate community to serve. We will empower the youth and provide them with opportunities to find creative solutions to community challenges and concerns. Mainly focusing on service-based needs like cleaning, serving, cooking, and much more.


Sample Curriculum
Meet The Mentors



Per term | Nov 18 - Jan 20

  • Enrollment fee
  • Life-long Mentorship access
  • Workshop access
  • Educational class material
  • Community engagement opportunities access (eligible for high-school volunteer hours)

Ready to start this journey? Enroll below or pay it forward by donating to subsidize a registration 

We offer the opportunity to donate a portion of the enrollment fee towards subsidizing a spot for someone who is eligible and is facing financial challenges. 

Help Subsidize A Youth